Latvian Association for the Development of Japanese Quince combines 68 farms that grow high-value fruit crops for commercial purposes, such as Japanese Quince (chaenomeles japonica), sea buckthorn (Hippophae), chokeberry (Aronia). Other crops such as black currants, strawberries, pumpkins and others are also grown but in smaller quantities. Several members of the organization are food processors that process berries and fruits in various products.
Our goal is to promote the development of these crops and the cooperation between farmers to meet the needs of food producers for products of high biological quality. We work closely with other agricultural organizations in Latvia, therefore we are able to provide other fruit crops and their products. Quince (chaenomeles japonica), sea buckthorn (Hippophae), chokeberry (Aronia). Other crops such as black currants, strawberries, pumpkins and others are also grown but in smaller quantities. Several members of the organization are food processors that process berries and fruits in various products. Some farms and food processors are biologically certified.Some farms and food processors are biologically certified.
We offer co-operation with sea buckthorn, chokeberry, black currant and exotic quince for small and large producers. We provide fruit storage and industrial processing for the following ingredients: Frozen fruits and berries, juices, syrups, purees, pieces of fruit, dried candied fruit and powders.
We are looking for partners who need biologically certified and non-certified raw materials for their products, such as dairy product processors, confectioneries, restaurants, beverage and sweets manufacturers.
For sales agents and distributor companies we offer long-term cooperation in the production of raw materials for a wide range of products: juices, soft drinks, marmalades, jams, smoothies, yoghurts, sauces, ice creams, meat dishes and others. We also offer forage additives from sea buckthorn.
If you would like to know more about us or you would be interested in cooperation please get in touch with us by writing to

If you would like to know more about us or you would be interested in cooperation please get in touch with us by writing to